Shawn Bartholomae
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Quotes of Shawn Bartholomae about Oil and Gas
Shawn Bartholomae is the CEO of Pro Ak and one of the senior partner of Silver Tusk Oil, talks about oil and gas many times. Some of his famous quotes are listed below.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Shawn Bartholomae, senior partner of Silver Tusk Oil Co. comments on changing oil picture
The recent plunge in oil prices, roughly from $100 a barrel to current prices hovering in the $60.00 per barrel range deserves some analysis and reflection concerning the underlying causes for the downturn. Senior partner of Silver Tusk Oil Co, Shawn Bartholomae has made the following observations:
“A major factor in the recent decline in oil prices is due to the global economic slowdown. Two major Asian players, China and Japan are both experiencing lesser economic growth than what was earlier anticipated.”
It had been the expansion of these economic systems and their need for a growing volume of energy imports that had provided much of the momentum for the preceding surge in oil prices. This surge in demand had prompted the resultant growth in world production for the past five years.”
The slow down in that part of the world is being felt in international markets.
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Changing Oil Picture |
It had been the expansion of these economic systems and their need for a growing volume of energy imports that had provided much of the momentum for the preceding surge in oil prices. This surge in demand had prompted the resultant growth in world production for the past five years.”
The slow down in that part of the world is being felt in international markets.
The EIA (Energy Information Administration) made the following note:
“Since August, both crude oil and currency markets have been influenced by lower economic growth expectations in countries outside the United States. Prices in both markets recently have broken out of established trading ranges, driven by concerns about weaker future global demand. The current situation, with the dollar index and oil prices moving in opposite directions, presents a sharp contrast to one in which crude oil supply disruptions or geopolitical risks would cause both the dollar index and crude prices to rise”
Shawn Bartholomae also has stated “The booming production levels from the shale formations across the country are having an effect. This revolution is changing the petroleum outlook of the world. It is not the production of oil alone that is changing. With this surging production comes a new wave of technology.”
The technology of finding and producing oil is not only making oil and gas wells more productive, the technology is opening up new territories for exploration. It is making exploration possible in formations that were once considered out of reach or technically non feasible.
Another large factor in what has been falling oil markets is the apparent determination of Saudi Arabia to hold steady to current production levels. The world had grown accustomed to giving Saudi Arabia the center stage and letting this nation call the shots.
As the OPEC world’s leading producer, the Saudis would usually coordinate the agreements among its members and assign quotas that were usually agreed upon among these twelve OPEC members. The kingdom traditionally reserved for himself or herself the role of “swing producer”. This function necessitated the need for staying flexible. They would operate in a range wide enough to allow them to either raise or lower their own production enough to adjust, and thus control the market and make the price conform to their satisfaction.
The concept of OPEC, market price control based upon Saudi leadership and cooperation among the members had worked smoothly since its inception. It is this cooperation and adherence to the agreements among all of the members that has become suspect, acknowledged by Shawn Bartholomae. Lately the Saudis appear to disfavor that role and they seem more inclined to act unilaterally. If no one of the member states complies with their assigned quota, there is no controlling aspect attributed to the cartel. Basically, if these conditions exist, there is no OPEC.
Even before the summit, Iran has let it be known that they favor a higher price. They suggest that the way to affect the higher price is for Saudi Arabia to cut her own production. Everyone seems happy to tell Saudi Arabia to cut production, except the kingdom. They do not appear to be too enthused about being asked to carry the burden virtually alone. Even if the agreement were reached that each nation would share fortunately, Saudi Arabia would still carry the lion’s share of the cuts as they dwarf the other nation’s outputs.
The cartel has an agreed upon quota now (before the November meeting in Vienna) of 30 million bopd. The cartel total production though is at 200,000 bopd above this quota. Analysts agree that 1,000,000 bopd is the amount that needs to be cut to have the desired effect on the world market. Both Baghdad (Iraq) and Iran have ambitions and capacity to produce even more. With America’s basic military exit from Iraq, this nation has leaned closer to Iran politically.
Shawn Bartholomae, speaking as senior partner of Silver Tusk Oil Co. Goes on to explain “ It is the interaction of many factors that makes the world oil situation like one large chess game, or even a three dimensional chess game.”
Any proposed move has multi-dimensional aspects. The Saudis would undoubtedly like to see the momentum of the shale boom in the United States curtailed, they appear to be willing to take the plunge, and endure the lower prices of oil, even at the risk of undermining of the cooperation among fellow members of OPEC. “
Shale extraction has boosted the production in the U.S. to close to 9 million barrels per day. Most of the industry analysts say the continuing surge in United States production will put this nation on track to overtake the Saudis by 2016. The Saudis know that shale extraction is expensive. They are apparently hoping that a sustained period of prices in the $80 a barrel range will take some of the momentum away from shale investors.
The senior partner of Silver Tusk Oil Co., Shawn Bartholomae, says, “The long range direction and the implications of the future impacts of lower prices on oil is complicated. One has to consider the effects of lower prices elsewhere in the world.”
Things have changed dramatically since the crisis of the 1970’s. That situation had brought long lines at U.S. gas stations and high prices. Underlying the intense situation was deep seated fears of what the U.S. might be forced to do if the shortage became even more acute. It had already reached dangerous levels. The American economy was literally choking on the shortage of oil. There was high-level talk that referred to the actions as American economic strangulation. There were unmistakable military implications. It was clear to global analysts that the U.S. had lost control of a market that they had dominated for decades. They were now at the mercy of OPEC. That was at the height of the cold war. The United States was in the very uncomfortable situation of confronting unfriendly nations, and possibly even warring nations, while being crippled by the critical shortage of oil.
The current situation is one that is very much different. The outlook now favors American interest more. In this new global outlook, it is the United States that has the surplus of oil. The new market speaks of American production strength. Before we bargained from a critical shortage of oil. We can now approach the bargaining table with a show of strength. .
We have local production and a local market. The large appetite of the U.S. consumer was once considered a liability. That may no longer be the case. It is this local need for oil that can sustain the United States producers through a fair degree of market turbulence. It is this large hungry market that is capable of utilizing most of our own production. Although undoubtedly, the shale producers are feeling the budget pinch, generally, the analysts are calling the U.S. a winner in the ongoing struggle for the market.
The world news is beginning to suggest more and more that this new age is the decline or even the dissolution of OPEC.
Shawn Bartholomae states, “The market is complex and there are a lot of variables”
Lower prices are likely to spur both consumer spending and give a stimulus to the overall economic productivity. Shawn Bartholomae, senior partner of Silver tusk Oil Co. Has commented, “In tight market times, the cost of producing a well comes down as the drillers and field workers become more accessible. When the prices come back, these cost savings often translate into a higher profit level.”
The pressure of this current market condition appears to be focused squarely on the leaders of the Middle East. Mohammed Surer al-Sabban, top advisor to the kingdom, has described the upcoming talks scheduled for November 27th, as “the toughest ever” as some ministers have not anticipated prices to drop to this level.” This advisor knows the separate members of the cartel are restless. They will want a solid agreement on favorable prices and production quotas.
According to Jeff Colgan, assistant professor at the School of International Service, an American University, who has studied the price actions of the OPEC cartel all the way back to 1982, published his results in the “Washington Post”
“OPEC rarely, if ever, influences its members oil production rates. It has almost no impact on prices.”
“I find that its members cheat on their quotas a whopping 95% of the time. “
The meetings being held in Vienna this month (November 27th) are as much a test for the OPEC solidarity and ability to coordinate agreements as it is a challenge to the rest of the world’s producers.
Analysts the world over is beginning to call this era, the possible end of OPEC hegemony. While still producing roughly 30 million bopd, the same as they had produced in 1973, the world has changed. That was a bigger proportionate bite when the world consumed 50 million bopd. Today the world is consuming 90 million bopd. The output of OPEC has remained roughly the same. Their influence or share of the market has subsequently diminished.
Regardless of what OPEC says or what rulings they make in Vienna this November, if the market ignores them, or the members fail to comply with the agreements or the quotas, then the days of OPEC being recognized as a dominant force or even a significant authority in the world of oil are over.
The net effect is, if these events take place, there will no longer be an OPEC.
The senior partner of Silver Tusk Oil Co. Shawn Bartholomae states “We remain confident that the petroleum producers of the United States will withstand the market turbulence and remain strong. Silver Tusk Oil Co. is proud to be a member of this industry”.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Rising of Oil and Gas Industry
According to the Shawn Bartholomae , CEO of Prodigy Oil and Gas company of Irving, Texas. The reflection of the eco energies loosing market position and rise of conversional fuel is affecting turbine and solar industry.
For two consecutive years the eco energy has fallen over one third on all over the USA. According to 2011-2012 economical report the clean energy faced its largest downfall in America which is nearly 41% declining investment as compared to a year a go.
The eco energy sector of Europe is also in danger because government have removed all kind of subsidies form clean energy , and that effected on Chinese market too, over 0.80 billion has been cut off.
At the same time the cheap natural gas started to hit the market and the shale production from the fields in America is showing great signs of growth.
Because of the cost solar panel couldn’t reached its target and slow technical growth is this particular sector making it hopeless on the other hand the low price fuel gas is taking over and modern technology is making it creeper.
The growth of Gas drilling turned the fuel market towards a cleaner nature as LNG and gas burning fuel.
The turbine manufacturing industry and the tower producers have had slowdown their business because of the wind productions tax credit is set to expire.
The management and increasing technological abilities have worked together for oil and gas industry to deliver more energy at lower costs.
Best of all, the American consumer is the winner.
For two consecutive years the eco energy has fallen over one third on all over the USA. According to 2011-2012 economical report the clean energy faced its largest downfall in America which is nearly 41% declining investment as compared to a year a go.
The eco energy sector of Europe is also in danger because government have removed all kind of subsidies form clean energy , and that effected on Chinese market too, over 0.80 billion has been cut off.
At the same time the cheap natural gas started to hit the market and the shale production from the fields in America is showing great signs of growth.
Because of the cost solar panel couldn’t reached its target and slow technical growth is this particular sector making it hopeless on the other hand the low price fuel gas is taking over and modern technology is making it creeper.
The growth of Gas drilling turned the fuel market towards a cleaner nature as LNG and gas burning fuel.
The turbine manufacturing industry and the tower producers have had slowdown their business because of the wind productions tax credit is set to expire.
The management and increasing technological abilities have worked together for oil and gas industry to deliver more energy at lower costs.
Best of all, the American consumer is the winner.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Bartholomae Sees Alternative Energy Investment Declining
Following the alternative energy markets will reflect the some downward trends according to Shawn Bartholomae, CEO of Prodigy Oil and Gas Company of Irving, Texas.
Clean energy has fallen for the third quarter all across the board in the U.S., China and Europe a Bloomberg report states. This decline is for the second consecutive year. The largest decline occurred in America which saw its investments decline 41 % as compared to a year ago. Clean energy investment in China has fallen from $13.8 billion to $13.0 billion.
Europe is reeling from a double shock as subsidies were reduced. This is occurring at a time when cheap natural gas, much of it from America, is hitting the market. The shale production from the fields in the U.S. is significant and shows no sign of declining.
Some really good news clean energy and gas production is that overall solar photovoltaic capacity looks to set an all time high. This can happen even at a time frame where the total investment in such could drop. This is due to a decline in the cost of technology.
The increase in natural gas production moves the market towards a cleaner environment as natural gas and the LNG is a clean burning fuel.
The wind production tax credit is set to expire. The turbine manufacturing industry and the tower plants have had a business slowdown. Lay offs are being felt in these industries.
Here too is an example where increasing technological abilities have worked, side by side, with the oil and gas industry to bring more energy at lower costs.
Best of all, the American consumer is the winner.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Prodigy CEO, Shawn Bartholomae Keeps Eye on Barnett Shale
Prodigy Oil and Gas Company of Irving, Texas physically sits right adjacent to the Barnett Shale field. In its early years the field was thought to have the largest reserves of any natural gas field in the United States. In 2007 it was first suggested to be in the twenty trillion cubic feet range. That is a tremendous field but recent studies (university of Texas computer model) have doubled this number. One of the big reasons for the revised numbers is the increasing ability and sophistication of the fracking techniques.
The field did not change nor did the estimates of how big the field is change considerably. What did change was the extraction techniques and thus the amount of oil and gas we can expect to extract from the same fields.
This Shale quite typically comes in at a high rate of production and then tapers off fairly quick. This characteristic raises questions of whether the shale gas production can keep up with demand. This question becomes more critical as the demand for gas takes off.
One major aspect that is pushing for more and more natural gas production is the developing and even exploding market for LNG. The turnaround in the LNG market is phenomenal. Events overseas and continental N. America are pushing demand higher and higher. Nuclear plant closings in Japan and even in Mexico are helping to drive the demand for LNG growth.
With all of the demand for LNG, predicting what the market will do for this commodity is tricky business. There are many factors to consider any one of which could throw one’s calculations off.
The EPA could call for stringent demands to limit emissions of mercury and other toxics. U.S. capacity of these emissions in 2011 was running at 317 GW (GIGA watts). Enforcing these restrictions could shut roughly a third of this electricity off from the market. Plus there is the added factor that new construction of coal plants could be paralyzed.
Also uncertain is how the political winds may shift to promote other forms of energy such as solar and wind.
The drilling find that brought us the wide spread use of fracking technology is still producing strongly. Computer models under study from the University of Texas are telling us that we could still expect to be extracting the 45 trillion cubic of gas from the Barnett Shale up through the year 2050.
The field did not change nor did the estimates of how big the field is change considerably. What did change was the extraction techniques and thus the amount of oil and gas we can expect to extract from the same fields.
This Shale quite typically comes in at a high rate of production and then tapers off fairly quick. This characteristic raises questions of whether the shale gas production can keep up with demand. This question becomes more critical as the demand for gas takes off.
One major aspect that is pushing for more and more natural gas production is the developing and even exploding market for LNG. The turnaround in the LNG market is phenomenal. Events overseas and continental N. America are pushing demand higher and higher. Nuclear plant closings in Japan and even in Mexico are helping to drive the demand for LNG growth.
With all of the demand for LNG, predicting what the market will do for this commodity is tricky business. There are many factors to consider any one of which could throw one’s calculations off.
The EPA could call for stringent demands to limit emissions of mercury and other toxics. U.S. capacity of these emissions in 2011 was running at 317 GW (GIGA watts). Enforcing these restrictions could shut roughly a third of this electricity off from the market. Plus there is the added factor that new construction of coal plants could be paralyzed.
Also uncertain is how the political winds may shift to promote other forms of energy such as solar and wind.
The drilling find that brought us the wide spread use of fracking technology is still producing strongly. Computer models under study from the University of Texas are telling us that we could still expect to be extracting the 45 trillion cubic of gas from the Barnett Shale up through the year 2050.
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